NYTIMES: An All-but-Unknown Company Wins a Rich Russian Oil Stake:
"'The shares have been sold,' said Valery Suvorov, a deep-voiced auctioneer dressed in bowtie and tails and wielding a gavel"Did Dick Minim have anything to do with this? I love this example of Capitalism. This is Pure Kombinat! Absentee Landlord with no "identity".
Why choose to constrain oneself? Faced with an unexpected turn in a relationship, the easiest thing to do is to reinterpret one's earlier commitment as a mistake, and 'move on'. (...) At a time when it is difficult to sustain a coherent identity over time, it is reassuring to be told that it doesn't matter. Instead of lamenting the absence of stories through which to make sense of our lives, we should celebrate our liberation from narrative (not to mention metanarrative) and get on with our lives-es.I am bringing these quotes to connect the dots. One of the dots is "Capital has no committment to anything other than itself". Other dots are just floating around.