In a book "A Necessary Fantasy?: The Heroic Figure in Children's Popular Culture" Nina Mikkelsen writes:
"American children would have little knowldge of any artist through their chidlren's books except the cartoonist's world of Disney"
As part of Kombinat! Kids initiative we present to you a painting "Double Portrait with a wineglass" unofficially called "Half Peekaboo!" by the staff of Kombinat! (click the pic for a larger version)

It was made by a Russian born painter Marc Chagall in 1917-18, a terrible time in the history of Europe. I saw it in Paris twice in my life. Once in 1989 and in 2004 at The Pompidou Center. I just stood there looking at it for a long long time and I was falling in love with the world.
Lovely, isn't it? So much life and joy. No Noise is found in this painting. It doesn't stand for anything except for the pure joy of life itself. Paintings like these are not being talked about a lot. You will probably never see them discussed on TV. They don't make news because they are not controversial. They don't attack.
As an expression of love they simply are. And so are you. And so am I. Peekaboo! Half back at you!