Amazon DevCon - Rael Dornfest speech
Some Quotables:
A hacker is a tinkerer, not a bad guy. An experimenter, take stuff apart and see what happens. Put on a brave front, pop the top, see what happens
the conversation is its own reward
Hacks are a conversation. Hacks are remixing
If your customers are breaking your stuff in a certain way, they are telling you what your product should be
The gospel of openness is spreading
Watch what the customers do, team up with them.
Remix your data. Scraping begat XML which begat APIs. Hacks led to standards which led to business opportunity. Syndicated ecommerce. Google/Amazon/Alexa, Amazon/eBay for buying and selling, etc
Lesson: There are parts of the platform that you don't have to own
Remix your text, T-shirt, "I'm blogging this." Excited some people, unnerved man
Software wants to be social. Rendezvous, let devices find each other. Bluetooth hacks. Conferences have been transformed by the back channel (IRC, blogs, etc.). Presence is being redefined. Must allow people to snipe. Limiting to positive stuff changes dynamic and kills it. Virtual participation.
It is all about people and connections to each other
Rap On
bricolage pour les scribbleurs ...
Posted by: Jon Husband | Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 01:39 PM