Bench Of Poets in Tarnow
Sit right here... Read a Poem.
On Dec 3rd in a polish city of Tarnow a local artist Jacek Kucaba has placed three life size bronze figures of polish poets Osiecka, Brzechwa and Herbert sitting on a bench on Walowa street. Next to each there is a padlocked metal box containing books of poems. One can stop at a nearby Pizza place and ask for a key to open a box, get a book, sit next to a poet's bronze statue and read his/her poetry. ( found at Okularnicy Foundation, in polish)
In a polish newspaper Gazeta Jacek Kucaba, the sculptor who made the figures for free, said "you have to take literature to the people and not only place books on the shelves".
We call these figures a hangout-with-huggable-sculpture thing. (artist calls them by a polish equivalent) Of course this project has created a lot of controversy. Breaking up Kombinat! takes a lot of Noise.